Monday, November 1, 2010

A Terrific Day For AR References!

Just on the off chance that I might get a reply, I sent an email to a Dr. Michael Bentley, a super educator and author of subjects environmental for children.  I figured "what the heck" and just blasted off an email asking for any other relevant articles he may have written that I could use as support for my AR Lit Review and AR in general.  I was planning to use at least one or two of his articles pertaining to Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD) as he calls it...where children don't seem to go out into nature very often these days, and are missing out!  Well, I about fell off my chair when I received a reply from the esteemed PhD!  Not only did I receive a reply which gave me more information, but Dr. Bentley closed his email with this message
"Your thesis project sounds interesting and I would love to see it when it is
finished. Good luck with finishing it up."
I feel great to have that validation of my project so early on in the process.  It is really inspirational to receive this kind of positive input!

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