Sunday, October 3, 2010

BP4 - Web 2.0 Tool - Fotobabble

I found the neatest application at the Web 2.0 tools site.  It is called Fotobabble.  What's awesome about this tool is that it allows one to upload a picture, in my case it was a photo that I had manipulated in Adobe Photoshop.  After uploading the photo, I recorded a brief description of what I did to obtain the effect I achieved in my photo using Photoshop.  I chose a selectively colored image and described that in the audio portion that I was able to record using the online software.  It then allowed me to save the file and embed the link here so that you can see it!

I loved this application because it would work superbly for me being a graphic design teacher someday.  I could use it as a teaching tool for my students, by giving them tips and tricks, and sending it to them via email or posted on my blog.  I could also have my students create their own Fotobabble!  Students could create an assignment for class where they record a message to a family member or a friend, or even record a special advertisement for their design.  This software gives me SO many great ideas for using it.  I will use this over and over, I'm sure of it!

Here is the link to the brief Fotobabble I made for this assignment.  I hope you enjoy this and try it out for yourselves.  I can think of several of my teammates who could put this to great use in their technology programs!

Limitations:  As far as I can tell at this point, Fotobabble on the Internet only allows you a very short time period for recording what you want to say about the picture.  This could be a problem if you have a lengthy discussion or description.  The point of it is to keep the recording as brief as possible and try to get to the point quickly so the recorder doesn’t click off while you are still talking! Below is a screen shot of the Fotobabble website, but first there is the link to my Fotobabble I created:

Below is a screen shot of the Fotobabble website:


  1. I will certainly check this out and share it with the English teacher, too. This could be good for practicing impromptu speaking and writing. (It could also just be fun!) - Pat

  2. Okay, Zoe, I'm intrigued (and I really liked your photo). I'm trying to think of how this would apply to my AR project on assessment in the elementary music classroom. One thing that comes to mind is to have students take a photograph of an instrument they created and then briefly describe it on Fotobabble. Any other suggestions? One drawback to this website for me at least is that it's not elementary student-friendly. This is a problem for many of the websites that I have researched.

  3. Hi Jenn, I think that your elementary students could learn it fairly easily if you chunked the information out to them bit by bit until they were ready to give it a go. I like the idea you have about the instrument and description. I think they could also do something really cute like sing a couple of lines of a song and have a picture of themselves on there. Or like they could make greeting photos, where they sing happy birthday to someone and the picture is of a group of kids. I think the possibilities are endless on Fotobabble!! Thanks for your comment and questions Jenn.
