Saturday, October 16, 2010

PE2 - Flash

I am very rusty in Flash, like I said, I used it in my undergrad degree, but I haven’t really touched it since, so it is like starting from scratch again!  The first thing I did was go to where there are many tutorials to look at for Adobe Creative Suite 5.  I chose the Flash introductory videos and started watching.  Things did look very familiar to me, and I was able to remember a few things by watching the videos.  The first video I watched after the introduction was the ‘setting up the workspace’ video.  This helped me because it has changed a little from CS2’s version of Flash.  The new version, or CS5 Flash, allows you more latitude with how you set up your workspace, and, it offers several premade size templates that you can choose from to create an animation space that is dimensionally correct for what you want to do.  This is great, and later on I will create something simple and post that for my part 3 of this three-part Practical Experience Post.  I have created a very quick movie of what I did to start out with Flash again, and you can see that below:


  1. It's great to have access to the latest version of the Adobe suite isn't it? There are great updates across the board increasing the power of these applications. I reviewed's you tube channel before gaining access through Full Sail. There instruction is clear and very helpful from what I have seen. Best of luck as you continue your Flash journey. I am doing the same via Premier and Photoshop. I was curious? Are you doing your own graphics for your book through Adobe and

    Best regards,

  2. Hi Terrance, I am creating all my own graphics using Photoshop definitely! I have shot many animal and bird photos over the years, so now I am putting them to some good use!! ;-)

