Sunday, October 10, 2010

W2 - Reading

These fascinating articles are what I am reading this week:

Amy Brualdi’s paper on Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences. This paper discusses something I am interested in correlating to my naturalist intelligence that is tapped in my children’s e-book. Although Ms. Brualdi’s paper is a little bit older (1998), and Gardner’s Naturalist intelligence has not been added to the intelligences at this point. Her discussion is still valid regarding how Gardner’s theory provides a theoretical foundation that recognizes different abilities of students.

This next article by Chinese authors is an interesting topic about interactive online testing. Apparently there is some correlation between students taking interactive tests and scoring better than on pencil and paper tests. Even though the author’s test group was for fifth grade students in the area of Social Studies, I believe this could carry over to other subjects, and be very useful in the technology in school arena. This is quite relevant to where I am going with my interactive e-book, and I feel it warrants further study.

Another great article, which is just fascinating and also correlates exactly to what I have been working on with my AR with respect to environmental studies. This study that was conducted in Singapore, concerns ‘mobile technology,’ and asserts that conventional teaching materials may not help students to learn about inquiry and become more self-directed learners. Using mobile technology in education seems to be an exciting possibility!

A 2009 article about the increase in the number of multiple intelligences studies being conducted in Turkey. This is an interesting article because I am quite excited about Gardner’s MI Theory. It is fascinating to me that so many foreign studies exist. This particular article discusses the need for educators to start the dialog about using MI theory in schools.

I am very interested in this next article, which is from South Korea, which discusses what they call ‘substantive evidence’ that many students involved in Multiple Intelligences instruction showed better achievement in certain subject areas, and low achievers became better learners, and had higher self-esteem. This is such important research to study for my own purposes as I am using Gardner’s MI theory (Naturalist) in my e-book for children.

Finally, this week I found a terrific article on Gardner’s MI Theory by Gardner (and others) that really helps me to better understand what Gardner intended the MI theory to be used for in classrooms. This really is a great, defining article which will be very useful to me as I explore a bit more in the MI area for my AR project.

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