Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Week 2 - 2nd Blog Post - Gryphons Woohoo!

Blogspot completely ruined my original post about World of Warcraft. I managed to recreate it below:

My World of Warcraft partner and I recently leveled up to levels 62 and 61, respectively. This means that we can now learn to fly our own Gryphons, the mythical half bird/half lion type of beasts that WOW gamers use to get around from region to region within WOW. We were SO excited about this that we went out and trained for advanced riding/flying lessons and we purchased a pair of Gryphons. The problem was we could not figure out how to fly them, then we realized that we could NOT fly them in the version of Warcraft we were currently questing in. We had to be in the expansion called “The Burning Crusade,” which we had just installed recently as we were leveling up so fast. So, we went through a ‘time portal’ and were able to mount our Gryphons there, but still could not figure out how to ‘fly’ them. They would gallop around for us in a rather ungainly looking fashion, but no flying…oh well. We would eventually be in the higher expansion levels and perhaps that would enable us to obtain a flying license or some such thing for us. Well, today I managed to figure out how to get my Gryphon airborne, and so did my partner. It was a matter of just pressing the space bar for ‘up’ and the x on the keyboard for ‘down.’ It was almost too easy, no wonder we couldn’t figure it out at first! So, my next video will be one of us flying our OWN Gryphons around, not the ‘rented’ ones as in my video above! I love this game…

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