Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week 3 - Missed Wimba Notes

I had oral surgery on Monday to extract a very troublesome back tooth. The recovery from this operation has not been pleasant, and unfortunately, I was so drugged-up on Tuesday that I fell asleep and never made it to Wimba (only the second Wimba I have missed in my entire year of Wimbas at FSO!). So, here are a few notes I made from the wonderful archive!

It was good to listen to Joe talking about the 120 word abstract. I was pretty clear on what I needed to do, but listening to his description helped to solidify what I had done. I may have to revisit it, but at least I think I got it into some semblance of coherent form! Not a movie trailer! I get it!

Publishing and leadership - Joe reviewed our requirements for our presentations/papers. What we need is a link posted on the class igoogle doc, posted 24 hours before the session, to our Keynote or PowerPoint presentation. Joe is interested in our speakers notes. I will need to type in everything I am going to say. We need this so the instructors can see them.

Our ‘audience’ for our presentations - Audience depends on where we want it published. For my conference I will compress it and keep it academic and to the facts that I have. I will use my graphics and cut down my iMovie footage so it keeps the file size small. If my file size ends up being too large, I can put placeholders where the movies go and have links to my Viddler page where the movies can be viewed separately if necessary.

By Sunday in my class blog Week4 Publishing Leadership Project. Paragraph describing the project and links to my two previous think out loud blog posts, and a link to my Keynote document in igoogle. I’m working on my ‘think out loud’ blog post for this week at the moment and should have it posted soon. I’m kind of excited about it actually!

Presentation length limit: We will have about 10 mins to talk about our presentation on Wed (the day I signed up on). Joe will call on us and ask us to talk about our project, we briefly walk the people thru it. Class comments too. Condense my AR website and add the graphics for my 2nd cycle. 1st cycle needs data graphics revisions, I can talk about that.

Everyone knows I love the Art of Possibility. I didn’t spend a lot of time on this in the Wimba archive because I have already posted a very long blog entry about it. I wanted to concentrate on what Joe had to say about our upcoming Publishing and Leadership project, that is paramount for me right now! I did enjoy the Van Halen video!

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