Saturday, May 14, 2011

Week 2 – Comment on Josh Tolar’s Post about Publishing AR

Josh Wrote:

Since I know that I want to go with the publishing option for my action research, finding a publisher is the next step. At first I started thinking about military e-learning and some of the publications that exist for that type of environment, but because my action research has nothing to do with the topics I work with in my professional environment, I decided to go with a more commercial technology based publication. I looked at some of the publications from my literature review, but those were targeted more towards interactive digital storytelling and educational simulations. While I may start developing research for educational simulations in the future, my final choice for a publisher was the Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR). JILR has more of a variety of educational platforms, a great list of papers that they publish, and I felt right at home when reading about computer based training and interactive learning environments. I did look at some other publications and I almost chose the International Journal on E-learning (IJEL) – Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education, but I decided to stick with JILR because of the different types of papers they accepted. While the course I developed for my research is hosted in an e-learning environment and might seem to be a better choice to go with IJEL, I feel that educators or trainers that are working with other types of content might benefit from the results showed in my research with digital storytelling. So sticking with JILR feels like the right decision.

My choice:
Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR)

My comment to Josh:

Hi Josh!

I am very interested in the publishing aspect of AR project for myself as well. I like your ideas here, and your approach as your project doesn’t have anything to do with the topics you work with, so you obviously felt like you were outside your comfort zone a little bit when shopping for a publication? Not sure, but I sort of got that from your statement. The Journal of Interactive Learning Research sounds great. I may even have to look into that publication for myself, as I am a bit ‘clueless’ on this aspect of our AR projects. Journals are interesting entities in and of themselves. I have seen tenured professors of engineering at the university I used to work at get turned down for journals over the strangest things, such as the formatting of their papers, etc. So I think it’s good to go over the guidelines that many of these journals have on the Internet, I plan to do that anyway. It looks to me like you are really on track with this and I wish you luck with it Josh!

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