Friday, May 27, 2011

Week 4 Leadership/Publication Post:

I chose to put my three-part blog post about Leadership/Publications all on this post which gives you the links to each component.  It was fun to do the Wimba and hear everyone's different talks about their AR projects.  I realized what a diverse group of students we have in our program, and how fortunate I am to be in a program with such innovative and committed people.  My talk on Nature Deficit Disorder was a little disorganized, but after some thought, I have managed to create a much better presentation, which I think would serve me fairly nicely in a real conference.  Of course, I would add a lot more data and probably a few more slides showing greater detail.

Link to Part 1: (Where I talk about why I wanted to do a presentation)

Link to Part 2: (I discuss the conference I found to present at!)

Link to my Final Presentation - Part 3: (My final revision after the presentation Wimba the other night - Note:  This final iteration contains video, so it is now a much larger file so please be patient with the download.)

1 comment:

  1. Like you, Zoe, I felt that my presentation of my article in Wimba was disorganized to say the least. I have also reflected about how I can streamline this presentation for next month’s final! We’re almost done!!!
