Friday, May 27, 2011

Week 4 - Comment to Holly Loganbill’s Post on Zander

Hi Holly,

I like how you framed your post this week with different quotations from the book and your comments beneath that in response.  I’ll respond to your paragraph which hit me the most that you wrote:

You wrote:

I wish I had been ready to read this book years ago. Had I taken it in and used it, I think my life would be very different. So many self help books stress the idea that the only person you can control is yourself. The Zander’s give this an entirely new perspective. We aren’t free to pick and choose what parts of ourselves to accept or reject. If we try, we end up in fragments. If we ask, “How did this become part of the ‘me’ who is the board of my life?” We have to take responsibility for where we are or what’s happening, and then we can move forward.

My response:

Holly, your operative statement here is ‘I wish I had been “ready” to read this book years ago.’  Amen to that.  If a person isn’t ready, how can they understand, absorb, or even ‘look’ at something?  I used to get so mad at one of my friends who was always trying to ‘tell me’ to do something because it was the ‘right thing’ to do.  But I always said to her “Let me make this mistake myself and then when I’m ready to do it the ‘right way’ I will do it myself.”  In other words, I always understood the concept that this was my time to ‘screw something up’ or not.  It’s the same concept with Zander’s book in a way, you can read it cover to cover, but if you’re not ready to, its message will probably fall on blind eyes.  I felt incredibly ‘ready’ to read the book.  In fact, it was a break from all the other things we had to do for our course this month.  I felt like I was on a little ‘mini vacation’ when I was reading it.  I just got so much out of it like you did, wasn’t it great to just read and absorb all this stuff and know that we got it?  We really ‘got it’ didn’t we?  Thanks for your insight as usual, Holly!

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